Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Classroom Labels

My class loves to read the room. I like to make sure I have tons of labels and writing around the room for them to explore. This is the set of labels I begin with at the beginning of the year. The child of the day picks a few labels from a basket and the class uses their picture clues and beginning sounds to figure out what the label says. Then they decide where it should go.


  1. What a great idea! Love this :)

  2. Thank you so much for these!! When I went to my room today I noticed that my labels were looking a little cruddy so I thought I would make new ones. You saved me a project!!

  3. Please help me find out how to get the kinderdot font you have! I will pay for it! Please, please, please! I am a new kindergarten teacher in Florida and I would love to use it.

  4. Samantha,
    I downloaded Kinderdots a couple years ago from a free fonts for teachers website. That site is no longer working. If you give me your email address, I can send it to you! =)

  5. I love all of your ideas! I am also in search of Kinderdots to create my reading strategy bookmarks. Can you email me the font also? Thank you SOOOO much!

  6. Hi there! I just discovered your adorable blog! Would you mind e-mailing me the Kinderdots font as well? I can't seem to download it anywhere! Thank you in advance! :)

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class

  7. Hi Stephanie,

    I just discovered your adorable blog! Would you mind e-mailing me the Kinderdots font as well? I can't seem to download it anywhere online?!?! Thank you so much!

    Ѽ Alessia
    Mrs. Albanese’s Kindergarten Class
